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Features/Columns October 2024


Words: Anahita Rao

Often you will hear people speak about eclipse spotting as an anticipated event. An event that some eagerly plan for; setting aside a venue for the day and precise hour of the solar and lunar eclipse. However, if we adhere to ancient wisdom, the only way to really harness the power of eclipses is to go inward – switch off and connect with the inner space, do yoga, do pranayama. It is a time to do nothing. Disconnect. And if you can, keep your schedule light, especially around two days before and after the solar or lunar eclipse.

During the lunar eclipse, when the Moon is overshadowed, is also known as Purnima. And the solar eclipse when the moon is the darkest, and Sun is eclipsed, a new moon day is also known as Amavasya. Eclipses in Jyotish (Vedic astrology), are a phenomenon devoted to Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node). Eclipse times can usher in lasting changes, and dramatic, unexpected events. As such, these times were traditionally considered to be times that you ought to do be cautious – of your actions, speech, and decisions. More than the popular Mercury retrograde, eclipse season was considered a time to step back, reflect, double-check everything, and remain cautious with your actions.

As such, these times were traditionally considered to be times that you ought to do be cautious – of your actions, speech, and decisions. More than the popular Mercury retrograde, eclipse season was considered a time to step back, reflect, double-check everything, and remain cautious with your actions.

Yet, due to the nature of an eclipse, this is exactly the time that changes will come ushering into our lives without us having the ability to control or manage them. We may be placed in situations where we must act, make a decision, and respond without all the information available to us. So, all we can do is surrender and call for guidance from our Guru, our spiritual practices.


A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun obscuring the Earth’s view of the Sun. So we are essentially deprived of light due to the Sun being blocked. A lunar eclipse happens when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow causing the Moon to be darkened. Here, it is closest to the plane of the Earth’s orbit casting a shadow over Earth. Therefore, from our perspective, the Moon is completely dark at this time.

In astrology, Sun is the symbolic soul. The Sun is typically the light – our higher calling, our vitality, our vision, and our ability to guide our life path. Essentially, our ability to see the light, the big picture, the grander vision for our life. The Moon on the other hand, is the symbolic mind, and like our mind, it is changeable as its always waxing and waning. The Moon also represents our emotions, our receptivity to all that is around us, our perceptions, our beliefs, and therefore, also our fears and anxieties.


The eclipses are personified by Rahu and Ketu, the nodes of the Moon. The eclipses are mathematical points generated due to the motion of Sun and Moon with respect to the Earth. Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets. They obstruct the Sun and Moon during eclipses. Being shadows, they thus obscure the mind and soul. This is all happening on a subconscious level. Those who are particularly sensitive can feel this potent energy in the days leading up to the eclipses. And consequently, during an eclipse, sudden events will manifest, making you feel that life is completely governed by destiny.


Rahu, North Node of the Moon, embodies the air element, vata, and tends to exaggerate this in our bodies, which we feel especially during eclipse times. When the vata, or air, is imbalanced in the body, it tends to create restless and anxious energy, and can induce the mind to exaggerate fears, whether they are imagined or real. To manage this erratic energy, any breathing practice will calm the nerves, and consequently the mind. Ketu, the South Node of the Moon, embodies the fire element, pitta, and tends to exaggerate this in our bodies, manifesting during eclipse times. When the pitta, or fire element, is imbalanced in the body, it tends to create anger, frustration, and impatience. In order to manage this, an active, physical practice as well as calming foods are essential.


The essence of the nodes of the Moon is to evoke a churning impact in our lives, so we can ultimately understand the real meaning of life, particularly to see clearly the illusions that we get stuck in. Because they are shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu will affect us on the psychological, subconscious level. And because they function on FEATURE yogamagazine.com 29 facebook.com/yogamagazine the subconscious level, they have the ability to create immense fear during the eclipse season, when this energy manifests due to the over-shadowing of the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon.

During the solar eclipse, our view of the Sun is getting obscured. During the lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow has darkened the light of the Moon. So, if both the Sun and Moon are in a compromised state, it will naturally affect us. In this way, we

can feel anxious and confused, all the while sensing that there may be some unexpected surprises about to manifest.

Taking this opportunity for yoga, meditation, and spiritual retreat can give us the insights we need to not only remain calm, but intuitively make good decisions. When we detach and go inward, we essentially disconnect ourselves with the external world. And this detachment is necessary because we are not getting the light from the luminaries (Sun /Moon) in the external world as we normally would. And due to this, it can be a challenge connecting with our mind, which is personified by the Moon, and our soul, which is personified by the Sun.

Astrologers often warn us at this time to refrain from making decisions as new information may present itself around the days surrounding the eclipse. Of course, many times this is not possible because we need to take action so all we can do is surrender. However, if we have taken a step back to centre ourselves through a consistent yoga practice, we can intuitively connect with the eclipse energy and understand the messages from the Cosmos.


Every year we have around 4-6 eclipses, and they always come in pairs. So a lunar eclipse will be followed by a solar eclipse, or the other way around, and there is always a gap of two weeks between the eclipses. In 2024, eclipse season was in March/April and again, in September/October. In 2025, we have both lunar and solar eclipses arriving in March. Eclipse season is a time when astrology forecasts are widespread, and with a bit of knowledge you can have an idea of what to expect, and what areas of your life may be impacted.


Eclipse times can certainly bring unexpected twists and turns in our life paths. But they can also bring breakthroughs and epiphanies. Going inward is very important if you understand what is happening with the astronomical dynamics at this time. It’s an opportune time to gain immensely from our spiritual practices. It is a good time to enhance your yoga practice, pranayama, meditation. A good time to go inward, go on a yoga retreat, do a fasting ritual, prepare home-cooked meals, use the time to disconnect, practice silence, write, listen to music, and drink lots and lots of water.

Anahita Rao was born in New Delhi, India, and has lived and traveled across the globe. Influenced by her father’s aptitude in vedic astrology, Anahita grew up around the traditions and practices of jyotish. Growing up and beyond, astrology was always a deep passion for Anahita. She has studied jyotish for over 20 years, and has completed certificate courses with well-known vedic astrologers in India and the West.

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