Q: My skin looks dull and tired. Can yoga help improve my skin’s health and glow?
M. Bennett – Chicago

A: Yoga enhances skin health by improving circulation, reducing stress, and boosting detoxification. There are many yoga exercises that can help you achieve your aim. You could try by starting with Adho Mukha Savanasana (Downward Dog). Use this to increase blood flow to your face, revitalizing your skin. Practice Sheetali Pranayama (cooling breath) by rolling your tongue, inhale through it, and exhale through your nose to cool your body and reduce inflammation, often linked to skin issues. For stress-related breakouts, do Viparita Karani (Legs Up-the-Wall Pose) to calm the nervous system. Combine your yoga practice with hydration and a natural skincare routine, and you will notice a brighter complexion in no time.
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