Words: Anahita Rao “Jyotish,” also known as Vedic Astrology, is the science of light (“jyoti” meaning light). Light not only refers to the.
YOGA Magazine is the number one yoga, health and fitness brand in the UK and USA. A chic, contemporary publication specialising in yoga, wellbeing and natural living.
Words: Anahita Rao “Jyotish,” also known as Vedic Astrology, is the science of light (“jyoti” meaning light). Light not only refers to the.
What are the Niyamas? Meaning ‘habits’ in Sanskrit, the Niyamas are five practices or positive habits for healthy living set out in yoga philosophy. These.
Words: Alex Scrimgeour The human face is our most familiar image, it’s the first thing we see when born and in time, the.
Words: Yogi Maharaj Dr Malik INTRODUCTION For centuries, ancient yogis have understood the unique and distinct properties of living near water and practicing.
Words: Nuzhat Jabinh FRSA H ave you ever procrastinated about something you wanted to do, or worse: about something you knew you had.
A Journey Through Antiquity, Imagination, and Transformation Words: Neil Willcott The ancient practice of Lohan Yoga, originating from the Shaolin Temple, has been.
TEACHINGS FROM SWAMI MUKTANANDA Words: Victor Parachin It’s not often that a teenage boy encounters a sage and immediately experiences a powerful surge.
Words: Niraj Naik Learning how to control your breath comes with endless benefits. Whether you are looking for ways to lower stress in.
Ways to start nurturing your mental health today. Words: Petra Velzeboer It seems to be the human condition and survival instinct is to.
Words: Victor Parachin Ikkyu Sojun nicknamed himself “Crazy Cloud’ Ikkyu because he preferred to live, write and act in ways which challenged the.