Words: Kassandra Reinhardt It is spring again. The earth is like a childthat knows poems by heart. Rainer Maria Rilke The energy of.
YOGA Magazine is the number one yoga, health and fitness brand in the UK and USA. A chic, contemporary publication specialising in yoga, wellbeing and natural living.
Words: Kassandra Reinhardt It is spring again. The earth is like a childthat knows poems by heart. Rainer Maria Rilke The energy of.
Words: Kat Byles Business is hurtling in the wrong direction. We know this. And it has to change. It is increasingly clear that.
As 2022 comes to a close, we have enlisted the help of top yoga and meditation teacher Hannah Barrett, who created the bestselling.
YOUR PRACTICAL ROUTE TO THE DEEPEST REST HORIZONTAL MEDITATION Yes. This is yoga nidra: an effortless horizontal meditation upon the threshold of sleep..
The Full Moon of each month has a specific name. Mostly it has to do with the season or the weather. Many of.
Throughout pregnancy we want to honour how much the body is already doing, we want to be even more mindful of how we.
Esther Ekhart from guides us through this month’s sequence. Feel strong and open and radiate your energy out in all directions with this powerful.
This sequence is an arm balance flow to strengthen the arms and open the hips while building focus and confidence. 1. Start in.
This inspiring sequence will stretch and strengthen the body while improving balance and core stability. Most importantly this mindful flow, gives you the.